KenyaRSS - Kenya abonnieren

P2-E: Imagining capitalism in transregional fraud schemes

The increase of financial flows between African and Asian countries has also brought about the increase of fraudulent schemes. Since the 2000s, email scams, pyramid schemes, Ponzi schemes and multi-level marketing schemes (MLMs) have been travelling between both regions. These frauds use the economic infrastructure between Africa and Asia that has been established in the last decades. Moreover, they refer to similar imaginaries of a globalized, middle-class lifestyle – in other words to similar collective fantasies of capitalism – to persuade victims. Based on fieldwork in Ghana, India and Kenya, the project will explore these fraud schemes as travelling models, which both make use of and spread particular understandings of capitalism.

These schemes will be studied by using multiple perspectives: As stories, the schemes make use of globally circulating fantasies of capitalism and adapt these narratives to local contexts. As economic strategy, these schemes allow people that are excluded from global capitalism to partake in it. As travelling model, these frauds spread certain capitalist norms; members of Ponzi schemes and MLMs are asked to transform themselves into business men and their social relationships into business relations. Fraudulent schemes may be a very particular form of transregional, economic interaction between Africa and Asia. Yet they can be used as a lens to explore how actors believe in imaginaries of capitalism, how they desperately want to partake in them and how they carry them from one place to the next.



Involvierte AFRASO Mitglieder: 

P2-C: East African Regionalism: The EAC’s external spaces of interaction with Asian partners

The project is situated in the wider context of the development of transregional stud-ies. In a first step it is interested in processes of regional integration within East Africa. In a second step, this internal perspective is supplemented by an external dimension, that is the question of how the East African Community (EAC) positions itself externally as an integrated actor. This exter-nal dimension of the East African integration process will be investigated with a particular focus on interactions with Asian partners as well as on the duality of imaginations and materializations in those interactions.

Building on previous research on transregional cooperation between African and European part-ners, the project follows a three-step approach to the study of Afrasian spaces of interaction:

1) Imaginations of the integrated agency of the EAC: to what extent is the EAC perceived as a relevant actor in East African politics, economics and civil society, in particular as regards the relations with Asian partners?

2) Imaginations of East Africa’s Asian partners: to what extent are Asian actors (states, com-panies, organisations) perceived as cooperation partners, in particular as regards the com-parison to “Western” partners?

3) Concrete materialisations of Afrasian interactions: in which areas does the EAC interact as an integrated East African actor with Asian partners and how do these interactions develop in comparison to those with “Western” partners?

The research aims to find out how regional integration in East Africa, and the EAC as a key institu-tion of this integration, contribute to creating an integrated East African space for internal as well as external interactions. Questions about bilateral vs. multilateral interaction as well as about South-South vs. South-North relations play a central role in this context, whereby the focus is on the soci-ospatiality of these connections and the production of corresponding transregional spaces of inter-action.



Involvierte AFRASO Mitglieder: 

P2-A: Indian Ocean Imaginaries and Memories in Transregional Afrasian Spaces

This project addresses transformation of Indian Ocean imaginaries and memories in East and South Africa, Indonesia, Oman, Iran, Diego Garcia, China and India. Our research has so far demonstrated the limiting nature of the ‘Indian Ocean’ approach since Afrasian (Africa-Asian) interactions go beyond the littoral states of the Indian Ocean to Indonesia and beyond. This project therefore studies the cultural production and transformation of “Indian Ocean imaginaries” and "Indian Ocean memories” which we perceive of as “Afrasian imaginaries” and ”Afrasian memories“ (see Karugia 2017, Schulze-Engler 2014) within transcultural settings (Erll, 2011).

The central research question focusses on transregional connections between imaginaries and memories of the Indian Ocean region generated by historical African-Asian interactions on the one hand and the representation of today’s African-Asian interactions. We ask how the Indian Ocean works as a space of memory in Asian and African memory cultures. The ‘Afrasian Ocean’ world connects multiethnic communities. In some of these Afrasian spaces, we observe a paradigm-shift from competitive towards multidirectional memory (in the sense of M. Rothberg 2009). With our focus on Afrasian imaginaries and memories, we target the historical emergence and contemporary constitution of new transregional concepts of space. With its historical focus, this project contributes to lending historical depth to the analysis of African-Asian interactions within the AFRASO research programme as a whole.

Regarding Afrasian imaginaries, the project is based on the assumption that Afrasian imaginaries differ vastly throughout East Africa. We therefore analyze the corpus of East African literature in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda) from 1960 to the present day with a special focus on: concepts and images of the Indian Ocean area as a transregional cultural contact zone, representations of Asians, Asian culture and Asian countries and different versions of Afrasian imaginaries in coastal regions and the East African hinterland. The combined analysis of dhow literature in English and Swahili and the corpus of anglophone East African writing is designed to produce new insights into the complex genesis and transformation of Afrasian imaginaries and to provide differentiated answers to the question if and how contemporary images and concepts of the Indian Ocean as transregional contact zone build on earlier Afrasian imaginaries, or whether representations of current African-Asian interactions are characterized by a break with these historically generated imaginaries.

As regards Afrasian memories, we perceive them as „connective memories.“ They connect, reconnect and articulate transregional historical imaginaries. We analyze how the long history of exchange between Africa and Asia is remembered today and which functions such memories fulfil in the light of current interactions. Our assumption is that the centuries-old relations between both regions (trade, migration, slavery, indentured labour, soldiers etc.) are not simply forgotten in the face of today's Afrasian interactions (such as labour migration, tourism, transnational media cultures), but that they constitute a "space of experience" (R. Koselleck) against which the present situation is understood and expectations for the future are articulated. Museums, literature and other media, memory institutions and memory sites across the world of the „Afrasian Ocean“ address human interactions and power dynamics across time and space. We ask how Afrasian imaginaries and memories contribute to an understanding of present and future African-Asian interactions.

In the framework of AFRASO, our goals are to understand, first, the significance of historical imagination for transregional conceptions of space and, second, the importance of local imaginary and memory cultures for the representation and interpretation of current African-Asian interactions. In light of the foregoing, we are analysing the production of contemporary transnational imaginaries of citizenship, the complex negotiation of transcultural identities amongst old Asian-African and new Asian diasporas, claims of long-standing transregional socio-political and cultural links, new and old memory sites built or claimed by certain Afrasian communities and Afrasian bio-politics within old and emergent Afrasian diasporas.

'Memory', in this project, describes on the one hand elements of explicit, official memory culture (e.g. the remembrance of Gandhi in South Africa); on the other hand, we reconstruct what John C. Hawley (2008, 4), drawing on James C. Scott, has called "hidden transcripts": implicit, non-official, private and subaltern forms of memory, which, however, can be articulated in literature, photography, film and other media. Such imaginaries and memories have especially come to the fore in interviews we conducted with various groups of people in South Africa, East Africa, Oman, China and India as well as in our recent investigation of ‘travelling afrasian objects’ and ‘multidirectional mnemoeconomics’ (see Karugia 2017).

An Afrasian framework has allowed us to investigate transregional dynamics of interactions and relations between Africa and Asia across the vastness of time and space. This perspective has counteracted the danger of perceiving ‘Afrasia’ as a new transregional ‘container.’ Our research on Afrasian imaginaries and memories conceives of Afrasian’ as a sensitizing term that opens up new perspectives and as a new way of looking at and analyzing various contemporary dynamics in this transregion. We critically self-reflect on limitations of our ‘Afrasian’ perspective. This Afrasian way of looking at this transregion can only become productive if blurred spaces and places like its connectivity with Afrabia (Africa and Arabia) are adequately addressed (see Karugia, 2018 in preparation).



Involvierte AFRASO Mitglieder: 

Bild des Benutzers falk.hartig

Chinese to Be Taught in Kenyan and South African Schools

Kenya is working on a plan to introduce the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language in its schools. According to plans announced by the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) in late April, the language will be optional like French, German and Spanish which are already taught in Kenyan schools.




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers falk.hartig

China’s Media Reaching Out to the World, Especially to Africa

China is dramatically increasing its media presence in the world. China Central Television (CCTV) established regional media hubs in Africa as well as in the United States and is currently planning another regional center in Europe. Xinhua News Agency is opening new offices and launched its own 24-hour television news; while the English language paper China Daily is publishing regional editions in different parts of the world as well.




author(s) / editor(s): 

Bild des Benutzers john.njenga.karugia

India Ignored, China Embraced

If China invited Kenya to Beijing today, Kenya would reply with possible visit dates almost immediately. An Africa-summit that India is planning to host in 2014 has been completely ignored by Kenya's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.




author(s) / editor(s): 

S2-C: Neue Ansätze transnationaler Geschlechterpolitik: Chinesisch-Afrikanische Kooperationen


Weitere Informationen: 

Chinas Engagement in Afrika umfasst in jüngster Zeit zunehmend den Bereich der transnationalen gesellschaftlichen Beziehungen. Ein zentrales Feld dieser Begegnungen und Aushandlungsprozesse ist die Frauenbewegungspolitik. Während deren Anfänge bereits auf die Weltfrauenkonferenzen in Nairobi (1985) und in Peking (1995) zurückgehen, die als Ausgangs- und Knotenpunkt auch aktueller transnationaler frauenpolitischer Praxen gelten, lassen sich derzeit parallel zu den Verschiebungen in der internationalen Ordnung auch Veränderungen der Formen und Muster transnationaler Gesellschafts- und Geschlechterpolitiken feststellen. Im Kontext der Forschung über neuere Süd-Süd-Beziehungen stellt dieses Projekt daher die Frage, wie innerhalb neuerer afrikanisch-chinesischer Kooperationen geschlechterpolitische Themen verhandelt werden.

Einen Fokus der Untersuchung bildet die All-China Women’s Federation (ACWF), die zentrale chinesische Frauenorganisation, die u.a. im Feld der Armutsbekämpfung ihre Kooperationen mit ihren afrikanischen Partnern intensiviert. In vergleichender Perspektive untersuchen wir die Beziehungen zwischen der ACWF und ihren jeweiligen Partnerorganisationen in Kenia und Äthiopien sowie deren Auswirkungen auf die sie umgebenden Kontexte staatlicher Geschlechterpolitik. Dabei interessieren uns vor allem die Vorstellungen von Geschlecht, Konzepte von Geschlechterverhältnissen und Ansätze der Geschlechterpolitik, die in diesen Prozessen verhandelt werden. Nicht zuletzt fragen wir auch danach, wie sich die neu entstehenden Netzwerke und Kooperationszusammenhänge zu den länger bestehenden Formen transnationaler Frauen- und Geschlechterpolitik in Verhältnis setzen.



Involvierte AFRASO Mitglieder: 

AFRASO Publications

Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; 2015 ; Mobilizing Transnational Gender Politics in Post-Genocide Rwanda (Gender in a Global/Local World Series) Farnham/Burlington: Ashgate. ; Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; Ashgate ; Farnham / Burlington

Talks and Lectures

Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; Zur Politik chinesisch-afrikanischer Beziehungen ; Freitag, März 6, 2015 ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu & Uta Ruppert ; Zivilgesellschaft in Kenia und Äthiopien, SoSe 2014
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; Neue Ansätze zivilgesellschaftlicher Geschlechterpolitik: Chinesisch-afrikanische Kooperationen zur Bekämpfung von Frauenarmut ; Donnerstag, Februar 7, 2013 ; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
South Africa and China - Politics and Perspective ; Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu & John Njenga Karugia, SoSe 2015 ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; Gender Politics in Africa: International Dimensions, WiSe 2013/14 ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; From the Margins to the Centre? New Perspectives on Sino-African Relations ; Freitag, Februar 20, 2015 ; New Orleans
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; Africa in World Politics / African World Politics, SoSe 2016 ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu ; 'Beijing Created a War between the Sexes' – Transnational Gender Politics in Rwanda after '94 ; Mittwoch, Juni 18, 2014 ; HU Berlin

S4-A: Imaginationen des Indischen Ozeans in der ostafrikanischen Literatur und Oralkultur


Das Projekt beschäftigt sich mit der Transformation von Imaginationen des Indischen Ozeans in der ostafrikanischen Schriftliteratur und Oralkultur. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Frage, welche Zusammenhänge zwischen historischen Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Afrika und Asien und hieraus generierten Imaginationen der Großregion Indischer Ozean einerseits sowie aktuellen afrikanisch-asiatischen Interaktionen und deren Repräsentation in der zeitgenössischen ostafrikanischen Literatur bestehen. Das Projekt nimmt mit den Imaginationen des Indischen Ozeans einen Kernbereich der Genese und aktuellen Ausprägung von neuen transregionalen Raumkonzepten ins Visier (AFRASO-Schwerpunkt 4) und leistet durch seine historische Ausrichtung einen wichtigen Beitrag dazu, der Analyse afrikanisch-asiatischer Interaktionen im Rahmen des AFRASO-Gesamtprojekts historische Tiefenschärfe zu verleihen.

Das Projekt geht von der Annahme aus, dass im ostafrikanischen Kontext höchst unterschiedliche Imagi­nationen des Indischen Ozeans existieren und dass sich insbesondere kulturelle Konstruktionen des Indischen Ozeans in Küstenregionen und im küstenfernen Hinterland historisch deutlich voneinander unterscheiden. Um diese Unterschiede für die Analyse der Transformation von Imaginationen des Indischen Ozeans nutzbar zu machen, werden im Rahmen einer exemplarischen Feldforschung Bilder des Indischen Ozeans in der Oralkultur des ländlichen Uganda sowie in Sansibar ermittelt und kontrastiv ana­lysiert. Am Beispiel der literarischen Auseinandersetzung mit der wohl bekanntesten Ikone des Indischen Ozeans - der Dhow - wird des weiteren untersucht, welche Imaginationen des Indischen Ozeans sich aus der spezifischen Erfahrung ableiten, den Indischen Ozean tatsächlich auf einer Dhow bereist zu haben. In englisch- und swahilisprachigen Erlebnisberichten, Reisedarstellungen und Biographien wird daher die gelebte Erfahrung des Indischen Ozeans von Dhow-Reisenden in historischer Perspektive untersucht und mit aktuellen literarischen Auseinandersetzungen mit dem Dhow-Topos in Beziehung gesetzt. In einem weiteren Schritt wird der Korpus der anglophonen Literatur Ostafrikas (Kenia, Tansania, Uganda) von 1960 bis heute im Hinblick auf Konzeptionen und Bilder des Großraums indischer Ozean als transregionaler kultureller Kontaktzone, Repräsentationen von Asiat(inn)en, asiatischer Kultur und asiatischen Ländern sowie unterschiedliche Ausprägungen von Indian Ocean Imaginaries in den Küstenregionen und im ostafrikanischen Hinterland literaturwissenschaftlich analysiert. Im Zusammenspiel der Analyse von Oralkultur, Dhow-Literatur und des Korpus der anglophonen Literatur Ostafrikas soll so ein differenzierter Blick auf die Genese und Transformation von Indian Ocean Imaginaries ermöglicht und insbesondere die Frage beantwortet werden, ob und in welcher Weise aktuelle Imaginationen des Indischen Ozeans als transregionaler Kontaktzone an frühere Indian Ocean Imaginaries anknüpfen, oder ob sich im Hinblick auf die Repräsentation aktueller afrikanisch-asiatischer Interaktionen ein Bruch mit diesen historischen Imaginationen konstatieren lässt.

A dhow on the Indian Ocean waters next to Zanzibar in 2013. © Karugia, John Njenga


A Zanzibar Government document associated with the Dhows season in 1947-1948 © Zanzibar National Archives, photo by Karugia, John Njenga.

The novel, Nairobi to Shenzen: A novel of Love in the East by Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo © Mark O. Obama Ndesandjo

The Mtepe, a sewn craft mainly built in Lamu on the Indian Ocean coast © Fort Jesus Museum Mombasa, photo by Karugia, John Njenga

Mao Zedong and Jomo Kenyatta as portrayed on Kenyan and Chinese currency in "Selling World Power" (short story) in Kwani? 04, Kwani, 2007 by Billy Kahora





Involvierte AFRASO Mitglieder: 

AFRASO Publications

Schulze-Engler, Frank ; 2015 ; Once Were Internationalists? Postcolonialism, Disenchanted Solidarity and the Right to Belong in a World of Globalized Modernity ; Reworking Postcolonial-ism: Globalization, Labour and Rights ; Malreddy, Pavan Kumar; Heidemann, Birte; Laursen, Ole Birk & Janet Wilson ; Palgrave Macmillan ; London & New York ; 19–35
Schulze-Engler, Frank ; 2014 ; Africa’s Asian Options: Indian Ocean Imaginaries in East African Literature ; Beyond the Line: Cultural Constructions of the Southern Oceans ; Michael Mann, Ines Phaf-Rheinberger ; Neofelis ; Berlin ; 159-179

Talks and Lectures

Karugia, John Njenga ; Writing Back to Whom? East African Literature in a Multipolar World, WiSe 2013/14 ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Karugia, John Njenga ; Writers in African Politics, WiSe 2014/15 ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Karugia, John Njenga ; Travelling Afrasian Objects ; Freitag, Mai 6, 2016 ; University of Augsburg
Schwarz, Julia ; Transregionale Kontaktzone Indischer Ozean: Afrikanisch-asiatische Interaktionen in Uganda und Sansibar ; Samstag, Januar 31, 2015 ; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
South Africa and China - Politics and Perspective ; Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu & John Njenga Karugia, SoSe 2015 ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Schulze-Engler, Frank ; Looking Sideways: Afrasian Imaginaries and the Remaking of World Literature ; Donnerstag, Januar 21, 2016 ; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Beek, Jan & Julia Verne ; Introduction: Geteilte Forschung ; Freitag, Dezember 4, 2015 ; Goethe University, Frankfurt
Karugia, John ; In (Visible) Imperial Indian Ocean Memories ; Donnerstag, Juni 25, 2015 bis Mittwoch, März 30, 2016 ; University of Amsterdam
Karugia, John Njenga ; Connective Indian Ocean Memories ; Mittwoch, März 25, 2015 ; Kapstadt
Karugia, John Njenga, Erll, Astrid & Sissy Helff ; Collective Amnesia, Denial or Disavowal of History? The Indian Ocean Islands of Mauritius and its Colonial Past ; Dienstag, Mai 19, 2015 ; The Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform, Goethe University Frankfurt
John Njenga Karugia ; Civilizational Dialogues Between Asia and Africa: Asia in East Africa's Parliaments ; Dienstag, März 11, 2014 ; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Karugia, John Njenga ; Afrasian Literature, WiSe 2015/16 ; Goethe University Frankfurt

S4-C: African-Asian Interactions in Cyberspace. Transregional Scamming.


The new African-Asian interactions are also opening up new opportunities for African and Asian scammers (419 Advance Fee Fraud). The project studies these transregional interactions in cyberspace between scammers and their counterparts. Based on ethnographic research in Ghana and India, the project asks how scammers make use and thereby transgress boundaries between continents and between physical and virtual spaces. However, the project also studies how police officers and other actors aim to set new boundaries in transregional spaces and authenticate virtual identities.

African scammers often use the image of the African other in their emails. Virtual identities derive their authenticity from such references to images of the cultural other – the abundant gold or the willing African mistress. Actors use such images of the cultural other as supposedly objective orientation, thus scammers can refer to them to create compelling narratives. By researching interaction in cyberspace, the project maps these imaginary spaces of the cultural other.

By using conventional images of the cultural other and the supposed authenticity in their fraudulent narratives, scammers ultimately undermine these forms of orientations. Their transgressions lead to radical uncertainties concerning transregional and virtual spaces. Some actors seek new methods to authenticate their counterpart in cyberspace. Still, police officers and other state officials try to re-establish bureaucratic categories of identity and set new boundaries.



Involvierte AFRASO Mitglieder: 

AFRASO Publications

Beek, Jan ; 2016 ; Cybercrime, police work and stroytelling in West Africa ; Africa ; 86 (2)

Talks and Lectures

Beek, Jan ; Transnational Cyberfraud and Cyberpolicing ; Dienstag, November 11, 2014 ; School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi
Beek, Jan & Julia Verne ; Introduction: Geteilte Forschung ; Freitag, Dezember 4, 2015 ; Goethe University, Frankfurt
Beek, Jan & Mirko Göpfert ; Gemeinsam ethnologisch forschen: Feldgeschichten teilen ; Freitag, Dezember 4, 2015 ; Goethe University, Frankfurt
Beek, Jan ; Finding Scammers: Kriminalpolizeiliche Ermittlungen gegen Internetbetrug in Ghana. ; Donnerstag, April 24, 2014 ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Jan Beek ; Doing Area Online: Internetkriminalität zwischen Afrikaund Indien. ; Freitag, Januar 29, 2016 ; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Beek.Jan ; DEAR SIR OR MADAM – Internetkriminalität in Afrika und Asien ; Freitag, März 6, 2015 ; Goethe University, Frankfurt
Beek, Jan ; Cybercrime between Africa, Europe, and India ; Mittwoch, Oktober 8, 2014 ; University of Mumbai
Beek, Jan ; Cyber Fraud and Policing: From Africa to India ; Donnerstag, Oktober 30, 2014 ; Centre for the Study of Social Systems, Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi

S4-A: Indian Ocean Imaginaries in East African Literature and Oral Culture


The project addresses the transformation of Indian Ocean imaginaries in East African literature and oral culture. The central research question focusses on the connections between the imaginaries of the Indian Ocean region generated by historical African-Asian interactions on the one hand and the representation of today’s African-Asian interactions in contemporary East African literature on the other. With its focus on Indian Ocean imaginaries, the project targets a key issue with regard to the historical emergence and contemporary constitution of new transregional concepts of space (AFRASO Key Area 4); with its historical focus, the project contributes to lending historical depth to the analysis of African-Asian interactions within the AFRASO research programme as a whole.

The project is based on the assumption that Indian Ocean imaginaries differ widely throughout East Africa and that in historical terms coastal regions and landlocked regions distant from the sea have generated particularly divergent cultural constructions of the Indian Ocean. To utilize these differences for an analysis of the transformation of Indian Ocean imaginaries, exemplary field research on images of the Indian Ocean in oral culture will be conducted in rural Uganda and in Zanzibar. An analysis of literary representations of the probably best-known Indian Ocean icon – the dhow – will establish which Indian Ocean imaginaries are generated by the specific experience of travelling on the Indian Ocean by dhow. Representations of the lived experience of dhow voyages on the Indian Ocean will be analyzed in historical perspective in reports, travelogues and biographies in English and Swahili and will be contrasted to current literary renderings of the dhow topos. Finally, the corpus of East African literature in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda) from 1960 to the present day will be analyzed with a special focus on concepts and images of the Indian Ocean area as a transregional cultural contact zone, representations of Asians, Asian culture and Asian countries and different versions of Indian Ocean imaginaries in coastal regions and the East African hinterland. The combined analysis of oral culture, dhow literature in English and Swahili and the corpus of anglophone East African writing is designed to produce new insights into the complex genesis and transformation of Indian Ocean imaginaries and to provide differentiated answers to the question if and how contemporary images and concepts of the Indian Ocean as transregional contact zone build on earlier Indian Ocean imaginaries, or whether representations of current  African-Asian interactions are characterized by a break with these historically generated imaginaries.

A dhow on the Indian Ocean waters next to Zanzibar in 2013. © Karugia, John Njenga

A Zanzibar Government document associated with the Dhows season in 1947-1948 © Zanzibar National Archives, photo by Karugia, John Njenga.

The novel, Nairobi to Shenzen: A novel of Love in the East by Mark Okoth Obama Ndesandjo © Mark O. Obama Ndesandjo

The Mtepe, a sewn craft mainly built in Lamu on the Indian Ocean coast © Fort Jesus Museum Mombasa, photo by Karugia, John Njenga.


Mao Zedong and Jomo Kenyatta as portrayed on Kenyan and Chinese currency in "Selling World Power" (short story) in Kwani? 04, Kwani, 2007 by Billy Kahora.




Involvierte AFRASO Mitglieder: 

AFRASO Publications

Schulze-Engler, Frank ; 2015 ; Once Were Internationalists? Postcolonialism, Disenchanted Solidarity and the Right to Belong in a World of Globalized Modernity ; Reworking Postcolonial-ism: Globalization, Labour and Rights ; Malreddy, Pavan Kumar; Heidemann, Birte; Laursen, Ole Birk & Janet Wilson ; Palgrave Macmillan ; London & New York ; 19–35
Karugia, John Njenga ; 2017 ; Indischer Ozean ; Handbuch Postkolonialismus und Literatur. ; Hg. von Dirk Göttsche, Axel Dunker und Gabriele Dürbeck ; Metzler ; Stuttgart
Karugia, John Njenga ; 2016 ; Indian Ocean Mega Projects in East Africa vs. Human Rights ; Megaprojekte Contra Menschenrechte - Fortschritt um jeden Preis? ; Braun, Naima ; No. 4 ; Tanzania-Network ; Berlin
Schulze-Engler, Frank ; 2014 ; Africa’s Asian Options: Indian Ocean Imaginaries in East African Literature ; Beyond the Line: Cultural Constructions of the Southern Oceans ; Michael Mann, Ines Phaf-Rheinberger ; Neofelis ; Berlin ; 159-179

Talks and Lectures

Karugia, John Njenga ; Writing Back to Whom? East African Literature in a Multipolar World, WiSe 2013/14 ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Karugia, John Njenga ; Writers in African Politics, WiSe 2014/15 ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Karugia, John Njenga ; Wissensproduktion in der geteilten transregionalen Forschung ; Freitag, Dezember 4, 2015 ; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Karugia, John Njenga ; Wissensproduktion in der geteilten transregionalen Forschung ; Freitag, Dezember 4, 2015 ; AFRASO, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Frankfurt
Karugia, John Njenga ; Wealth in China’s ‚Colonies‘ in East Africa ; Montag, April 14, 2014 bis Freitag, April 18, 2014 ; University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria
Karugia, John Njenga ; Travelling Afrasian Objects ; Freitag, Mai 6, 2016 ; University of Augsburg
Schwarz, Julia ; Transregionale Kontaktzone Indischer Ozean: Afrikanisch-asiatische Interaktionen in Uganda und Sansibar ; Samstag, Januar 31, 2015 ; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Karugia, John Njenga ; Transregional Research in Trans-Areas: Methodological Reflections ; Montag, Dezember 14, 2015 ; Universität Hamburg
Schulze-Engler, Frank ; Towards a New Global South? Afrasian Imaginaries in East African Literature ; Montag, März 9, 2015 ; University of Western Australia, Perth
Karugia, John Njenga ; Towards a Braver History of the Indian Ocean ; Donnerstag, November 26, 2015 ; Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona
Schulze-Engler, Frank ; Spectres of Solidarity: Transregional Interactions in East African Literature ; Mittwoch, März 25, 2015 ; Kapstadt
Schulze-Engler, Frank ; Spectres of Solidarity: Asian-African Interactions in East African Literature ; Dienstag, Oktober 7, 2014 ; Centre for Indian Studies in Africa (CISA), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Schulze-Engler, Frank ; Spectres of Solidarity: Asian-African Interactions in East African Literature ; Donnerstag, Oktober 9, 2014 ; University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Karugia, John Njenga ; Multidirectional Afrasian Mnemoeconomics ; Sonntag, Juli 10, 2016 bis Freitag, Juli 15, 2016 ; Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Karugia, John Njenga ; Memory, Migration and Politics in Asia-Africa Relations ; Mittwoch, April 2, 2014 ; Jindal School of International Affairs, O.P. Jindal Global University Delhi, New Delhi,
South Africa and China - Politics and Perspective ; Mageza-Barthel, Rirhandu & John Njenga Karugia, SoSe 2015 ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Schulze-Engler, Frank ; Looking Sideways: African-Asian Literary Relations in the 'Global South' ; Montag, März 16, 2015 ; Monash University, Melbourne
Schulze-Engler, Frank ; Looking Sideways: Afrasian Imaginaries and the Remaking of World Literature ; Donnerstag, Januar 21, 2016 ; Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Karugia, John Njenga ; KiswaChin - Sinokiswahili in Kariakoo Chinatown ; Sonntag, Juni 8, 2014 bis Montag, Juni 9, 2014 ; University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany
Beek, Jan & Julia Verne ; Introduction: Geteilte Forschung ; Freitag, Dezember 4, 2015 ; Goethe University, Frankfurt
Karugia, John Njenga ; Indischer Ozean ; Donnerstag, Dezember 10, 2015 ; Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin
Karugia, John Njenga ; Indian Ocean Migrations and Impacts in the 21st Century: China and India in East Africa ; Freitag, April 4, 2014 ; Department of African Studies, Delhi University, New Delhi, India
Karugia, John Njenga ; Indian Ocean Mega Projects vs. Human Rights in Africa Within a Global Perspective of Asian Engagement ; Samstag, Oktober 29, 2016 ; Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Berlin
Karugia, John Njenga ; Indian Ocean as a Memory Space in the Context of South Africa and India ; Dienstag, Oktober 25, 2016 ; Centre for African Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India
Karugia, John ; In (Visible) Imperial Indian Ocean Memories ; Donnerstag, Juni 25, 2015 bis Mittwoch, März 30, 2016 ; University of Amsterdam
Karugia, John Njenga ; Discussing China in Tanzania's Parliament ; Freitag, Januar 17, 2014 ; Konfuzius Institut, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Karugia, John Njenga ; Dignity for Self and Others: Insights from Memory Studies ; Samstag, April 25, 2015 ; Prynnsberg Estate, Clocolan, South Africa
Karugia, John Njenga ; Contested Heritage Politics Across the Indian Ocean ; Donnerstag, Januar 14, 2016 ; Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Karugia, John Njenga ; Connective Indian Ocean Memories: Towards a Braver Indian Ocean History ; Freitag, September 25, 2015 ; Goethe Frankfurt University
Karugia, John Njenga ; Connective Indian Ocean Memories ; Mittwoch, März 25, 2015 ; Kapstadt
Karugia, John Njenga ; Connective Afrasian Ocean Memories in Pheroze Nowrojee's 'A Kenyan Journey': Between Competitive and Multidirectional Remembering ; Donnerstag, Oktober 13, 2016 ; Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging Indian Diaspora Centre, University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India
Karugia, John Njenga, Erll, Astrid & Sissy Helff ; Collective Amnesia, Denial or Disavowal of History? The Indian Ocean Islands of Mauritius and its Colonial Past ; Dienstag, Mai 19, 2015 ; The Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform, Goethe University Frankfurt
John Njenga Karugia ; Civilizational Dialogues Between Asia and Africa: Asia in East Africa's Parliaments ; Dienstag, März 11, 2014 ; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Karugia, John Njenga ; Chinesische Migration nach Tansania ; Mittwoch, Februar 20, 2013 ; Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum – Kulturen der Welt, Köln
Karugia, John Njenga ; Baohan Street: An African Community in Guangzhou (China) ; Donnerstag, Oktober 16, 2014 ; Global South Studies Center Cologne, Cultures and Societies in Transition
Karugia, John Njenga ; Asiatische Akteure in Afrika im globalen Kontext ; Samstag, November 23, 2013 bis Sonntag, November 24, 2013 ; Herbert-Wehner-Bildungswerk, Dresden
Karugia, John Njenga ; African Memories of Visits to China ; Donnerstag, Januar 15, 2015 ; Konfuzius Institut, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Prof. Dr. Frank Schulze-Engler ; Africa's Asian Options: Indian Ocean Imaginaries in East African Literature ; Dienstag, August 6, 2013 ; Gros Islet, St. Lucia
Karugia, John Njenga ; Afrasian migrations across transregional spaces and places: East Africans and Chinese Migrants ; Donnerstag, Mai 15, 2014 bis Samstag, Mai 17, 2014 ; Centre for Interdisciplinary African Studies, Goethe University of Frankfurt and Centre for the Study of Contemporary Africa at the University of Naples “L´Orientale”, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Karugia, John Njenga ; Afrasian Literature, WiSe 2015/16 ; Goethe University Frankfurt
Karugia, John Njenga ; Afrasia: Justice and Ethics Within a Multidirectional Mnemoeconomics Framework ; Donnerstag, Oktober 27, 2016 bis Samstag, Oktober 29, 2016 ; Department of Socio-Cultural Diversity, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
Karugia, John Njenga ; „China in Afrika – Chancen, Herausforderungen, Perspektiven ; Donnerstag, Mai 22, 2014 ; Leipzig, Germany